Index by Community

Communities Index, Organized by Community Name

Download Communities Index by Community Name through Issue #201

Thanks to Tim Miller for preparing this working index, currently updated through issue #201.

Notes: Most citations: issue number:page.  “Page” means first page; many articles cover more than one.

Groups in directory issues are referenced by the issue no. and “dir”: e.g., 66dir; groups in reach are sometimes referenced by issue number and “reach” (84reach); groups in grapevine are referenced by issue number and “grape” (97grape); groups in update are, e.g., 79update; etc.

Grapevine appears near the front of the magazine. Update is usually, but not always, near the back.

Community directory issues: 1, 7, 12, 18, 24, 30, 38, 46, 56, 66, 77-78 (first big book)

This index often does not include largely repetitive items (e.g., the same information appearing in the “Reach” feature repeatedly), nor does it include all articles on communities (especially earlier ones) well covered elsewhere (e.g., Shakers) It generally does not include communities outside the U.S., and does not consistently include communities mentioned only in passing.

LO = list only (appeared on a list, or only mentioned in text)

Intentional Communities, listed alphabetically:

AAO (Aktionsanalytische Organisation) 183:50

Abbey of the Genesee 120:17; 150:45

ABEIKA, Inc. 18:49

Abode of the Message 16:47; 24:5; 25:44; 29:2; 30:33; 38:150; 44:52; 46:32; 53:19-21; 53:25; 56:57; 66dir; 86:7

Abundant Dawn 85dir; 91:68; 93:10; 96:14; 97:75; 100grape; 101:72; 102:11; 125:62; 173:52

Abundant Freek 120:17

Abundant Land Trust 85:69; 151:68; 152:63

Abundant Life 84reach

Acorn (Ala) 7dir

Acorn (Va) 85:69; 87:14; 87:38; 96:51; 127:15; 139:18;152:20; 158:33,77,80; 162:80; 163:16; 165:79; 166:58; 176:27,50; 190:72; 198:42LO

Act II communities 41:51

Active Acres 5:36; 7dir; 12 dir; 30:33; 46:32; 56:57

Adams Creek Cohousing 196:35

Ad Astra House 148:61

Adesa Community 179:70; 180:69

Adirondack Herbs 71:78; 84reach

Adobeland 118:22

Adventure Trails Survival School 15:3; 1:32

African Hebrew Israelites of Jerusalem 170:74

Agahpay 16:15; 38:163; 46:32; 56:57; 66dir

Agape (Massachusetts)

Agape (Tennessee) 13:30; 13:62; 18dir; 18:46; 24:5; 29:57; 38:163; 46:32; 56:57; 66dir; 120:17

Agape Lay Apostolate Community 83dir; 118:9

Ahimsa Church 7dir

Ahimsa House 79dir

Albany Free School Community 114:40

Alchemy Farm Cohousing 120:17

Alcyone Light Center 84reach

Aldeafeliz (Colombia) 166:53

ALEA 159:25

Aliantha 120:6

Aliya 21:46; 21:51; 23:52; 24:5; 26:57; 30:33

Allensworth 90:60

Almost Heaven 100:49

Aloe 12 dir; 12:40; 14:56; 16:11; 16:19; 18dir; 20:46; 22:51; 24:5; 28:55; 29:59; 30:33; 32:9; 38:164; 158:77; 162:80

Aloha 7dir

Alpenglow Cohousing 190:58; 191:62; 192:58; 193:64

Alpha Farm 7dir; 24:5; 30:33; 34:14; 38:164; 45:40; 46:32; 56:57; 66dir; 83:9; 83:35; 158:18; 176:64; 177:66; 178:66; 179:68; 180:68; 197:64; 199:53

Altair Ecovillage 200:5

Alternative Community (=Shannon Farm) 7:41; 8:49

Alternative Lifestyles (Mpls) 7dir; 7:52; 8:48; 12 dir; 18dir;

Alternatives, NW (=Limesaddle) 1:32

Alternatives to Alienation 24:46; 27:53; 30:33; 38:164; 46:32; 56:58

Amana 7dir; 68:32; 71:15; 89:51; 96:58; 98:4; 176:39; 185:58

Amazing Grace Family 12 dir

American Ideal 120:17

Amherst Island (Canada) 3:46; 8:47

Amherst Permaculture House 153:56

AMMA 148:64

Amsterdam Catholic Worker 188:51

Anahata Community Village (NZ) 123:64

Ananda 1:32; 2:52; 3:6; 7dir; 7:41; 9:13; 12:54; 16:16; 19:72; 21:36; 22:52; 23:40; 23:50; 24:46; 25:44; 26:56; 27:52; 27:54; 30:34; 31:53; 38:164; 53:21; 53:30; 56:58; 66dir; 80:60; 103:12; 120:32; 136:4; 154:44; 160:78

Ananda Ashram 7dir; 24:46; 25:47; 30:33; 38:164; 46:33; 85dir

Ananda Marga 1:32; 7dir; 8:46; 13:24; 14:56; 24:46; 51:28; 79dir; 80dir; 153:17

Anasazi Ranch 91:68

Anathoth Community Farm 177:31

Andorra II 3:49; 4:47; 7dir; 12 dir

Ängsbacka Ecovillage, Sweden 151:61

Anima (Bass Creek) 38:165

Annwin 79dir

Another Place 18:57; 24:6; 24:46; 30:34; 32:34; 42:44l 142:50

Antahkarana Circle 56:58

Anthakarana Ecovillage (Colombia) 180:10

Any Day Now 1:32

Apex Belltown Co-op 100:72; 120:17

Apocalypse Farms 7dir; 13:62

Applegate Valley 193:50

Appletree 18dir; 20:46; 24:46; 25:51; 38:165; 46:33; 54:62; 56:58; 60:64; 61:52; 66dir; 66reach; 70:51; 73:25

Apple Tree Acres 82:68; 83dir; 93:12

Aprovecho Institute 74:34; 75reach; 85:38; 97grape; 161:38; 176:7

Aquarian Concepts 80:38; 84:68; 87:50; 94:34; 102:60; 120:17; 126:68; 130:67; 132:78; 133:68,71; 134:66; 139:27; 162:51

Aquarian Research 8:54; 30:59; 46:34; 56:81; 70reach

Aquarius Community 121:62; 126:68; 130:67; 133:68; 134:67; 136:65

Aquarius Nature Retreat 120:17

Aquarius Project 1:32

Aquarius Ranch 89:9; 104:71

Arboretum Cohousing 165:46

L’Arche 69:22; 85:66; 108:58; 159:58

Arcosanti 7:8; 11:32; 15:27; 19:72; 28:54; 32:34; 46:33; 53:19; 56:82; 66dir

ARC Retreat Center 107:67; 121:62

Arden 85:47

Argenta (Canada) 36:45

Argosy Farm 136:67

The Ark 12dir

Art Colony at Eden Falls 83dir

Arthur Morgan Institute (=Community Service Inc) 165:22; 191.1:81

Arts and Humanities Cooperative 95:64

Arunachala Ashram 12 dir

Asbury Park (Ks) 149:55

Ashburnham 12 dir

Ashby Treehome 87dir

Ashland Vineyard Community 118:9

Aspenglow Cohousing 181:69

Atkin’s Bay Farm 30:34; 35:51; 38:165; 46:33

Atlanta Community 12 dir

Atlantis I 1:32

Atlantis Rising 79dir; 93:12; 118:9

Aurora 71:14

Auroville 143:58; 148:60; 153:61; 155:11; 158:33; 171:18

Austin Community Project 19:44; 26:25; 28:46

Australia 162:62

Avalon Gardens 176:50

Awareness Center 171:69

Babaji Yoga Sangam 12 dir

Baggins End 159:71

Baja BioSana Ecovillage (Mexico) 163:61

Balanced Life Center 85dir

Bali 120:27

Baltimore Free Farm 172:5

Banana House 168:57

Barkmill Hollow 1:32

Bartimaeus Community 120:6

Barwick Community Garden Cooperative 47:18

Bass Creek 38:165; 42:50; 56:58

Bat Cave 199:10

Batavia 8:41; 12 dir

Battlebrook Farm Trust 46:34; 56:59

Bayard Lane 1:32; 7dir

Bayland Family 30:34

Beacon Hill Friends House 100grape 120:6; 190:7; 191:65; 192:63; 194:67; 195:66; 196:35; 198:62; 201:4

Beacon Hill House 96:64; 120:18

Beacon New York Cohousing Community 170:38

Beannachar Camphill, Scotland 18940

Bear Creek Farms 79dir

Bear Tribe 1:32; 35:50; 46:34; 54:57; 56:58; 66:82; 95:64

Beaver Run Farm 7dir; 12 dir

Bee Farm 10:56; 12 dir

Belfast Cohousing & Ecovillage 166:34,65; 167:46,69; 168:69; 169:69,73; 170:68; 171:68; 172:69; 173:67

Be-Lite Community 25:47; 26:60

Bellyacres 163:37; 168:22; 176:33; 184:27; 187:29; 195:3,18; 198:22; 199:16,34

Bemis Erectus (directory listing in some issue)

Benedictine Monastery of Hawaii 85dir

Berkeley Cohousing 158:38

Berkeley Student Co-ops 151:36

Beth Adriel 22:49; 32:56

Bethel Colony 71:14

Bethel Farm (JW) 3:47

Bethesda 4:49; 4:61

Bhoodan 1:32; 6:51; 7dir; 12 dir;

Bierer House 1dir; 7dir

Big Island Cohousing and Ecovillage 117:66

Big Island Creek 7dir; 8:43

Big Rock Farm 117:66

Big Springs Farm 4:37; 7dir; 12 dir

Bijou 100:23

Biospharms 154:0; 155:0

Biosphere 2 191:58

Birch Creek Arts and Ecology Center 151:68; 152:63; 153:65

Birchwood Hall (UK) 188:52

Birdsfoot Farm 12 dir; 96:10; 100:45; 120:18

Bishop Hill 71:13

Black Bear Ranch 1dir; 17:36

Blackberry 118:9

Black Bulga (Australia) 164:43; 172:27; 181:47

Black Cat House 93:12

Bloomington Catholic Worker 178:50

Blueberry 187:8; 191:42; 195:12,17; 199:9

Blueberry Hill Cohousing 110:62; 189:43,44

Blue Heron Farm 99:64; 120:18; 123:64

Blue House 85dir

Blue Moon Cooperative 93:12; 115:64; 118:9; 120:18

Bobolink (Dancing Rabbit eating coop) 164:78

Bonsilene 9:60; 12 dir; 31:23

Boulder Creek Community/Cohousing 166:63,64; 167:69; 168:68; 169:69,79; 190:73; 193:41(?)

The Branch (pseud.) 186:32

Branch Davidians 88:50

Brandywine Community Land Trust 38:165; 46:34; 56:59

Bread and Puppet Theater 162:3,34

Bread and Roses Collective 152:37; 174:64; 175:66; 176:64; 177:66; 178:66; 179:42

Bream Lake Cooperative 125:14

Breitenbush 45:40; 56:60; 66dir; 126:68; 131:79; 135:66; 136:65; 137:68; 138:63; 139:69; 140:65; 168:13; 172:71; 173:68

Bright Morning Star 83dir; 100:43; 114:31; 131:46

Broaddus Farm 107:68

Brokenfoot Ranch 137:70; 138:66

Brotherhood of the Spirit 1dir; 2:54; 7dir; 190:20; 193:34; 197:14

Brotherhood of the Sun 4:48; 7dir; 16:45; 18:57; see also Sunburst

Bruderhof 1dir (@ Society); 76:23; 82:23; 84:40; 84:49; 86:12; 88:61; 90:11; 92:8; 185:63; 188:53; 193:44,48

Brownville Artist Colony 30:34

Bruns EcoVillage (Australia) 176:59

Bryn Gweled 1dir; 7dir; 24:47; 38:166; 46:34; 56:60; 66dir; 97grape; 107:8; 133:5; 120:18; 163:67

Buckman Hall Co-op 118:9; 120:28

Buddhist Association of the USA, Bronx 1:32

Buddhist Communities 1dir; 80:24

Builders 66:44 (see also Sunburst)

Bulgar Community, Savannah, Georgia 27:34

Bullock Family Farm 99:31

Burch House 120:18

Burlington Cohousing East Village 161:30

Burning Man 124:21; 142:28

Butterworth Farm 5:46; 7dir; 24:47

Caballeros House 144:28

Caballos de la Estrella Intelligent Living Community 189:40

Caer Coburn 132:80

Cambridge Zen Center 83dir

Camelot-of-the-Wood 80dir

Camp Sister Spirit 120:18

Camp Take Notice 156:24

Camphill 1:17; 1dir; 3:27; 7dir; 8:20; 8:40; 30:34; 45:52; 46:35; 56:60; 66:44; 74:46; 76:15; 83dir; 93:60; 98:65; 117:51; 118:10; 121:55; 121:63; 126:40; 126:68; 135:21; 137:65; 150:52,56; 161:34; 172:10; 180:56; 180:71; 190:52,55; 193:8

Camphill Hudson 172:10

Camphill Kimberton Hills 158:65; 159:63; 161:68; 162:67; 164:67; 169:9; 188:56; 201:38

Camphill Copake 193:26

Camphill Soltane 143:48; 155:29

Camphill Triform 166:64;; 167:68; 168:68; 169:68

Camphill Village USA 169:73

Canticle Farm 189:40

Capitol Hill Cohousing 177:55,58; 179:36; 189:50

Carmelita Gardens, Belize 197:7

Carrowmore Community 117:66; 120:7

Casa Clara 131:70; 132:9,78

Casa Verde 152:53

Catalyst 79dir

Catholic Worker 1dir; 14:30; 100:27;178:45,50; 180:45; 199:50

Cave Creek Land Trust 79dir

CEDAR (Center for Ecological Design and Restoration) 104:8

Cedar Hollow (Ky) 118:9; 120:19

Cedar Moon 136:43; 173:16; 179:8

Cedar Village 105:22

Cedarwood 7dir; 10:54; 11:53; 12 dir; 13:49; 15:40; 18dir

Celo 1:32; 7dir; 120:19 178:62

Center for Creative Exchange 83dir

Center for Experimental Cultural Design 83dir; 84:65

Center for Family Experimentation 7dir; 12 dir

Center for Peace and Life Studies 93:12

Center for Psychological Revolution 45:57; 66:45

Center for Purposeful Living 134:24; 160:35

Center for the Next Step 7dir; 12 dir

Center of the Light Community 53:18; 53:29

Central-Page Limited Equity Co-op 87dir

Cerro Gordo 8:53; 13:57; 14:51; 16:35; 24:47; 25:52; 30:34; 32:20; 38:166; 46:35; 56:60; 66dir; 71:18; 74:17

Cesar Chavez House 110:13

Chagdud Goupa Foundation 85dir

Chambalabamba (Ecuador) 184:32; 189:40

Champlain Valley Cohousing 160:41; 165:28

Changes 2:30; 12:25; 13:62; 24:59

Chardavogne Barn 1:32; 7dir

Chester Creek House 83dir; 120:19

Children for the Future 107:68

Children Kansas 5:51; 16:31; 18dir; 22:50; 23:15; 24:47; 30:35

Children of God 7dir

Children of Light 7dir; 132:52

Chinook Community 53:19

Chi Theta Chi House (Stanford) 110:37

Christananda Ashram 7dir; 12 dir

Christian Brothers commune (pseud.) 21:14

Christian Conservative Community l:32; 7dir

Christian Homesteading Movement 1dir; 2:51; 7dir; 8:26; 24:48; 24:59; 25:48; 30:49

Christian World Liberation Front 7dir; 12 dir;

Christiania (Denmark) 34:50; 195:54

Christiansbrunn Cloister (see also Mahantongo) 80dir; 84reach; 87:49

Christine Center 120:19

Christmas Star (see also Wind Spirit) 84reach

Christ of the Hills Monastery 120:19

Chrysalis 48:54; 61:53; 70:51; 73:3

Chrysalis Forest 178:67

Chrysallis (Calif) 83dir; 91:68

Church of the Divine Birth 18dir

Church of the Golden Rule 1dir; 7dir; 12 dir

Church of the Redeemer 12 dir; 92:54; 149:61

Cincinnati Ecovillage 115:63; 120:7

Circle of Children 194:38

Circle of Divine Unity 120:19

Circle Op Springs 96:9; 118:9

Circle Pines Center 7dir; 64:64; 66reach; 67:40

Circle Springs 120:28

Cite Ecologique 167:68; 169:9,68; 170:66; 171:66; 175:70; 176:66; 177:68; 180:70; 181:77; 182:77; 183:77; 184:77; 185:13; 186:65,68

City of the Sun 31:58

The Clearing 89:23

Clearview 91:74; 92:67; 100:69

Cloughjordan Ecovillage, Ireland 171:49

Cobb Hill 157:78; 167:47

Coho Canyon 147:70; 149:72

Cohousing 80:14; 83:13; 84:17; 85:16; 85:27; 85:51; 86:15; 88:14; 89:17; 92:11; 98:38; 99:41; 102:40; 106passim; 107:42; 108:16; 112:14; 112:38; 113:15; 115:12; 125:17; 125:20; 125:23; 127:24; 133:15,21; 138:11; 145:54,65; 147:4; 149:60; 150:4; 152:60; 155:71; 156:34; 158:34,36,39,40; 161:48; 166:1,23; 168:47; 170:19; 183:65,66,67; 186:53,55,58; 188:59; 190:79; 199:0,7; 201:5,18,39,58,61

Cohousing ABQ 196:0

Cohousing Association 189:49

Coldfoot Creek 56:60

CoLibri Urban Housing Collective 100:68

Collective A Go-Go 114:64; 120:8

Collegiate Living Organization (Florida) 112:10

Columbia Ecovillage 138:63; 139:69; 140:65; 141:65; 142:63; 143:65; 144:71; 170:20; 177:49; 188:23; 199:27

Come Unity 44:55; 45:41

Coming Home Community 120:19

Committee for Non-Violent Action 30:35

Common Fire Housing Coop/Foundation 170:38; 172:35

Common Ground (Ala) 80dir

Common Ground (Ohio) 101:68; 118:9

Common Ground (Va) 141:65; 142:63; 143:65; 144:71; 145:61; 146:61; 147:65; 149:68; 160:64

Common Ground Ecovillage (NC) 195:1; 196:5

Common Ground Farm 79dir

Common Ground Housing Association 85dir

Common Home Farm Catholic Worker 186:24

Commonnest 96:8

Common Place Land Coop 93:12; 106:82; 107:70; 118:9

Commonterra 85dir; 116:64; 120:8

Common Threads 93:66

Common Unity 83dir; 92:66

Commons on the Alameda 123:65; 170:20; 189:43

CommonSpace Community Land Trust 182:22

Communal Living Clearing Center 24:60

Communal Studies Association 176:8; 199:1,58

Communia: Deep Mountain Retreat Center 89:11

Communitarian Village 3:2; 7:5; 7dir; 7:43

The Community (Arlington, Va) 45:56; 50:53; 56:61; 146:16

Community and Retreat for Mindful Living 123:64

Community Educational Service Council 24:60; 30:9

Community Farm of Ann Arbor 79dir

Community Homestead 124:52

Community for Creative Nonviolence 30:35; 39:42; 46:35; 56:61; 66dir

Community for Emotional Self Development 38:167; 46:36; 56:61

Community for Mindful Living 172:68; 173:64

Community for Nonviolent Alternatives (CNVA) Farm 65:49

Community Land Trusts 182:23

Community of Celebration 87dir; 118:9

Community of Hospitality 93:66; 99:65; 124:61

Community of Light 158:29-LO

Community of Living Traditions 190:18

Community of the Ark (del Vasto) 140:26

Community of the Simple Life (Starcross?) 12 dir; 13:49; 18dir; 24:47

Community of Zen 7dir; 12 dir

Community Planet Foundation 120:6

Community Service, Inc. 1dir; 3:28; 5:36; 6:52; 24:60; 44:52; 56:83; 71:72; 85:56; 165:22

ComNet 18dir (?)

Companions of the Way/Franciscan Workers 134:66; 136:65

Compersia 177:12

Compost College 1dir

Compound “I” 88:67

Concord 11:54; 12 dir

Confluence 97:78

Consciousness Village 66:46; 93:12

Cooper Street Household 66:46

Cooperation Jackson 182:26

Cooperative College Community 46:36

Cooperative Village 38:167; 56:61

Coop Homesteads (Detroit) 133:76

Coop House (Eugene) 111:73

Cornucopia 46:58; 56:62

Country Women 7dir; 12 dir

Covenantal Community of University Church 80dir

Covenant House 93:12

Coweeta Heritage Center/Talking Rock 174:64; 175:67; 176:64; 177:67; 178:67; 179:68; 181:70; 182:69,74; 183:67,73; 184:68; 185:67; 186:64; 187:62; 188:64; 189:64,67; 190:7,58; 191:62; 192:58; 193:64; 194:62; 195:64,66; 196:25; 196:60; 197:58,59; 198:58; 199:56,60; 200:58

Crabapple 38:167; 46:36; 56:62

Crack of Dawn 46:36; 56:62

Crescent House 194:40

Crest Mountain Eco-Village 173:71

CRIC House 158:31

Crow Farm 1dir; 7dir; 11:60

Crystal Waters (Australia) 191.1:85

Cully Grove Garden Community 177:49,51

Currents Community 66:47; 142:48; 149:16; 154:51; 177:66; 178:66; 179:68; 180:68

Currumbin, Australia 171:38

Cuxliln Ha (Belize) 195:64

D Acres (D’Acres) 178:66; 179:68; 180:68; 181:70

Damanhur 158:46; 188:43

Dance Hawaii 88reach; 91:68; 93:66

Dance New England 60:18; 93:41l 142:50; 158:50; 164:38; 196:6

Dancing Rabbit 83dir; 97grape; 98:55; 104:8; 108:34; 111:46; 117:39; 118:9; 121:47; 126:69; 130:67; 131:29,80; 132:78; 133:68 134:66; 136:65; 137:29,68; 138:19,57,63; 139:69; 140:65; 141:65;142:25,63; 143:20,65; 144:71; 145:61; 146:7,20,30,61; 147:65; 149:68,80; 150:71; 151:35,38,71; 152:48,67; 153:67; 154:71; 155:67; 156:7,26,29,69; 158:50; 159:63; 160:32,65; 161:69; 162:16; 162:40,68; 163:18,20,24,67; 164:62,67,80; 166:10,65; 167:69; 168:69; 169:70,74; 170:10,68; 171:68; 172:69,73; 173:17; 173:64; 174:12,65; 175:67; 176:65; 177:67; 178:38,67; 179:15,19,69; 180:68; 182:66; 185:66; 191:42; 195:13; 198:58; 199:11; 200:8,10

Dancing Waters 118:9; 149:71; 173:64; 174:64; 175:67; 177:66; 181:11,71; 183:67,70; 184:67

Dandelion (Canada) 12:40; 16:19; 18dir; 18:49; 20:50; 22:49; 24:49; 25:45; 28:36; 29:59; 32:10; 38:167; 158:77; 162:80; incomplete list

Dandelion (Missouri: Red Earth Farms subcommunity) 152:16; 186:62; 191:40

Dandelion Hill 7dir; 12 dir

Dandelion Village (Indiana) 156:47

Dangleshoe Community 57:54

Dawes Hill 30:35; 46:37

Dawn Horse Communion 12 dir; 13:20; 17:31; 24:48

Dawning Star Retreat Center 120:19

Daybreak Cohousing 199:32

Daybreak Ranch 80dir

Deep Run Farm 24:48; 28:56; 30:4; 30:35; 38:168; 39:12; 40:46; 46:58; 56:62; 66dir

Deep Woods Farm 66:47

DeerHaven Hills Farm and Yoga Eco-Center 107:19

Deer Park Monastery 152:56

Deer Rock Community (see also Monacan Ridge) 85:23; 87:68; 88:73; 91:68; 98:10

Delaware Street Commons 120:9; 190:35

Delta and Providence 100:56

Dharmalaya 168:45; 188:21

Diakonia Farm 7dir; 12 dir; 14:62

Dignity Village 139:43; 156:25

Dinky Universal Church 5:37; 7dir; 7:44; 8:44

Discipleship Year House 178:39

Divine Information Center (apparently DLM) 12 dir

Divine Light Mission 12 dir

Doe Branch 116:65 123:64

Dolphin House 177:37

Dorea Peace Community 56:63; 62:52; 66dir

Downeast Community 31:12

Downhill Farm 7dir; 8:21; 22:16; 24:48; 30:36; 35:2; 46:37; 63:48

Dragon’s Nest 163:34

Dream River Ranch 160:65; 161:69; 163:67; 164:67; 165:68

Dreamtime Village 120:19; 169:35

Drop City 1:33; 136:62

Dry Gulch 178:62; 184:5

Du-Má 79dir; 85:70; 93:71; 188:21

Duck Mill 124:60

Du-Ma 139:1; 140:47; 146:44

Dundee Hill Commons 120:9

Dunmire Hollow 56:63; 66dir; 83:35; 84:8; 87:30; 94:45; 95:19; 108:30; 118:9

dZong 166:58

Earth Angels Animal Sanctuary 180:69

EarthArt Village 120:19; 185:12; 192:64+

Earthaven 94:16; 95:38; 96:10; 101:25; 105:13; 112:26; 115:24; 120:19; 121:30; 123:23; 126:69; 130:67; 131:24; 131:70; 132:25,51,78; 133:37; 133:68; 134:66; 135:66; 136:29,65; 137:68; 138:64; 139:70; 140:65; 141:37,65; 143:22,65; 144:71; 145:16,61; 146:61; 147:65; 148:49; 150:67; 151:68; 153:54; 155:67; 156:14,17; 158:58,61; 164:59; 166:50; 170:37; 175:13; 176:50; 178:69; 179:29,71; 180:70; 181:73; 182:60; 183:46,58; 184:14; 185:13-LO,50,53; 189:42; 190:5,14; 194:63; 195:69; 196:9; 198:6,52,58; 200:1,18,49; 201:59

Earth Cycle Farm 29:54

Earthen Spirituality Project 116:64 120:9

Earth Family Farm 79dir; 104:73

Earth House West 1dir

Earthlands 101:58

Earthlight Foundation 95:70; 120:29

Earthmind 7dir; 9:54; 11:62; 18dir

Earth People 1dir

Earthships 99:12

Earthsong (NZ) 156:44; 179:32; 196:10

Earthward Bound 30:36; 38:168; 46:37

Earthwonder Farm 12 dir

Earthworks, NY 25:45

Earthworm 7dir

East Blair 93:44; 177:54; 187:68; 188:22

East Lake Commons 152:62

Easton Mountain 128:11; 130:64

East Ridge Community 12dir

East River Community/Farm 3:46; 7dir; 8:41; 12dir; 14:57; 16:51; 18dir

East Street Gallery 1dir; 3:30

East/West House 83dir

East Wind 7dir; 8:52; 10:8; 12:40; 13:14; 18dir; 18:38; 20:48; 21:49; 22:53; 24:49; 32:12; 38:168; 41:39; 46:37; 52:36; 56:63; 64:61; 66dir; 68:60; 70:52; 73:6; 73:18; 73:25; 75reach; 84:21; 85:14; 87:14; 90:18; 94:30; 112:58; 119:16; 123:43; 126:69; 175:22 178:60; 184:24; 198:42LO; 199:49

Eater family 1dir; 7dir

Ecodharma College and Intentional Community 156:68

Eco-Farm 119:58; 120:9; 126:69; 128:65; 131:72; 132:81; 133:70; 134:68; 135:69; 136:67; 137:70; 138:68; 139:70; 140:67; 144:71; 145:61; 146:62; 147:67; 160:64; 161:69; 164:68

Ecohameau de La Baie 143:22

Ecology Action 133:33

Economy (Harmonist) 186:19

EcoReality (Canada) 139:46

EcoVillage at Ithaca 95:47; 97grape; 123:35; 127:46; 127:64; 128:32; 131:80; 132:51; 135:36; 136:63,75; 143:23; 147:5; 156:36,41; 168:21; 172:59; 173:35,52,53; 185:13-LO; 191:15,44; 200:23

Ecovillage at Sahale (Goodenough) 161:69; 180:27; 182:27

EcoVillage Emerging 120:20

Ecovillage Los Portales, Spain 189:44

Ecovillage of Loudoun County, Va 97:78; 109:38; 173:71

Ecovillages 80:11; 83:12; 85:17; 86:16; 88:12; 89:18; 91:passim; 97:17; 104:62; 107:18; 108:46; 116:52; 116:59; 117passim; 119:12; 125:54; 126:18; 127:42; 136:13; 141:16; 143:22; 156:all; 158:44; 171:all; 174:54; 199:64

Eco Villages Australia 190:13

Ecovillage Training Center 91:34

Edenhope (Vanuatu) 164:68

Eden Project 120:20

Edges 95:70; 112:53

Egrets’ Cove 122:73

E-haus 125:39

Eighth Life Ecovillage (Panama) 180:69; 181:72

Elder Community 127:73; 134:67

Elder Family Community 128:63; 130:67; 131:70; 132:78; 133:68; 135:67; 136:65; 137:68; 138:64; 139:70; 141:66; 142:63; 143:66; 144:72; 145:61; 146:62; 147:67

Elderberry Cohousing 185:66; 186:62; 187:62; 188:64

ElderSpirit 112:53; 121:26; 132:61; 158:38

Elixir Farm 118:57

Ella Jo Baker Intentional Community 116:65; 120:10

Ellis Island 7dir; 30:36; 46:38; 56:63

Elm Lane Eight 22:51

Eloin Community 80dir

Emerald City 10:61; 12dir

Emerald Earth 115:30; 116:39; 123:61; 127:69; 130:65; 131:23; 135:41; 139:34; 147:19; 158:12; 171:45; 195:8

Emerald Village 191:55

Emerson Cohousing 199:32

Emissaries 8:45; 9:61; 16:47; 18dir; 24:52; 25:50; 30:38; 30:49; 36:39; 38:170; 56:63; 63:19;

105:49+; 120:32; 137:4 (See also Sunrise Ranch, Rainbow Farm, Glen Ivy, Still Meadow, Oakwood); 150:36; 151:19; 160:28

Emma Goldman Finishing School 131:79

Emmaus House 1dir

Enchanted Forest Community 198:37LO

Enchanted Garden Community 83dir; 88:73; 93:12; 120:20

End of the Road (see Aprovecho)

Eno Commons 199:30

Enota Ecovillage 116:65; 120:20; 130:68,72; 132:79; 133:71

Enright Ridge Ecovillage 129:52; 141:56; 148:16; 155:24; 177:26,54; 188:22; 200:64

Entitas 7dir; 12dir

Entropy Acres (see also Mullein Hill) 12dir; 12:56

Entropy Pawsed 148:65; 151:68; 153:65

Entwood 5:49; 7dir; 12:38; 16:37; 24:49; 25:48

Ephrata 71:12

Equitable Farm 1dir; 7dir; 12dir

Eretz Hachaim 120:10

Esalen 86:43; 86:60; 119:50

Essene Cooperative 120:20

Ethos 1dir; 7dir

Evening Star 32:57

Expressive Arts Village 181:72; 195:65

Faerie Camp Destiny 120:20

Fair Oaks Ecohousing 164:66; 165:66; 166:64; 167:69; 168:68; 169:69,78; 170:67; 171:68; 172:69; 173:67; 174:65; 175:69; 176:65; 177:67; 178:67; 192:54

Fairview Cooperative 120:20

Fairview Folks 85dir

Fairview Mennonite House 12dir

Family (see also Children of God) 85dir; 120:20

Family (Taos) 151:15

Family Farm 1dir; 7dir

Family of Friends 4:48; 7dir; 12dir; 30:36; 46:38

Family Synergy 1dir; 1:47; 7dir; 18:30; 18:34; 20:50; 24:60; 25:50; 30:37; 32:62; 41:24; 46:38; 56:64

Farkha, Palestine 171:62

The Farm (Tennessee) 1dir; 4:33; 7dir; 8:43; 13:18; 14:33; 46:38; 53:9; 53:18-22; 56:64; 65:16; 71:76; 76:37; 82:33; 83:9; 83:12; 83:40; 84:32; 84:35; 87:36; 94:56; 96:25; 100:32; 111:49; 112:34; 116:45; 127:18; 131:34; 136:33; 142:18; 144:66; 152:41; 153:24; 154:25; 198:26; 199:37,40; 200:26; 201:16

Missouri Farm (offshoot of Tennessee Farm) 5:39; 7dir; 163:76; 164:7; 167:60; 176:10,12; 178:58; 191:24; 191.1:88

Farm (Illinois) 24:58

Favela de Paz, Brazil 171:19

The Fay 166:59

Fayerweather 7:6; 7dir; 10:53; 12dir

Featherfield Farm 12dir

Federation of Communities in Service 1dir; 7dir

Federation of Egalitarian Communities 25:27; 28:36; 30:52; 31:7; 41:52; 46:58; 56:84; 60:64; 66:73; 66reach; 68:61; 69:49; 70reach; 73:all; 80:21; 82:17; 87:14; 88:15; 89:22; 90:18; 91:18; 92:16; 94:20; 95:57; 102:20; 104:16; 108:10; 113:64; 121:12; 122:11; 129:16; 130:8; 140:71; 145:6; 150:75; 153:73; 155:72; 156:71; 159:65; 162:80; 168:80; 180:33; 199:11,49

Fellowship Community 108:72; 112:53; 122:72; 126:69; 130:68; 131:71; 132:79; 133:68; 134:67; 135:67; 136:66; 137:69; 138:64; 139:70; 140:65; 141:66; 142:24,63; 143:66; 144:72; 145:61; 146:62; 147:67; 153:65; 154:69; 155:67; 156:68; 175:70

Fellowship Farm 12dir; 14:24

Fellowship for Intentional Community 176:15

Fellowship House and Farm 1dir; 7dir

Fellowship of Believers 13:53

Fellowship of Friends 1dir

Fellowship of Hope

FIC 70:54; 71:44; 80:22; 82:19; 92:14; 94:21; 97:12; 99:18; 107:12; 109:8; 112:17; 121:10

Fellowship of Intentional Communities 195:55

Felton Guild 7dir; 12dir

Feminist Education Center 100:74; 105:73 @feminist

Fern Hill Sanctuary 167:10

Fertile Hills Community 7dir

Fieldhaven 144:33; 154:53

59 Degrees North 120:6

Fiji Organic Village 171:56; 179:57; 181:55; 186:50

Fillmore House 88dir

Finders 26:60

Findhorn (Scotland) 22:46; 23:19; 24:50; 28:42; 30:37; 134:52; 143:26,28; 154:51; 156:42; 160:50,55,56,59,78; 163:57; 165:20; 168:65; 169:23,25,32,58; 176:39

Fir Ridge (pseud) 185:38; 186:27

First Baptist Church of Chula Vista 12dir

First Church in Community of the Cosmic Christ 38:168; 46:38

First Street Fellowship 10:53; 12dir

Flatrock Community 66:49

Flowering Desert 112:65; 115:65; 120:28

Flux Factory 166:58

Folkcorps (see also Futures) 92:67; 95:65

Folkhaven 83dir; 120:29

Folly Farm 56:64; 57:53

Footsteps 4:50

Forest Glen 120:10

Forever Forests 56:64

Fort Awesome 131:80

Fort Hill Community 1dir; 7dir

Fort Hill Faggots for Freedom 30:37

Foster Village 166:4

Fosterville 188:23

Foundation for Intentional Community 199:57

Fountain Grove 95:52

Fourierism 68:50; 180:47

Four Streets Co-op 87dir

Four Winds Village 80dir

Franciscan Fraternity 12dir

Free Growth 3:57; 7dir

Free School Community (see Albany Free School Community)

Free State of the Ark 7dir; 8:46; 10:51

Free-the-Land NYC Squatters’ Community 83dir

Free Vermont 1dir

Freedom Farm Cooperative 180:35; 182:15

Fresno Cohousing 189:49

Friendly Homes 54:62; 56:65; 57:54; 59:43

Friendship House 12dir; 46:59

Friends Lake Community 79dir

Friends Southwest Center 64:61; 118:9

Frog Run Farm 3:46; 30:37; 46:39; 56:65; 66dir; 97:27

FrogSong Cohousing 132:50; 166:45; 191:62

Fruitlands 71:11; 176:39

Full Circle Natural Farm 1dir; 7dir; 83dir

Full Moon Rising 120:29

Futures (see also Folkcorps) 35:28; 92:67; 93:11

Gaia Sagrada, Ecuador 171:70

Gaian Contemplative Community 112:9

Gaiayoga Gardens 117:67; 120:10; 179:47

Gaien 93:67

Galaxy K Commune 1dir

Ganas 73:11; 80:54; 84reach; 86:57; 88:28; 88:73; 89:30; 95:12; 96:14; 135:56; 136:21; 143:22,55; 166:58,76; 177:13; 181:63,65,66; 188:52; 189:5; 190:61; 191:63; 192:50; 194:61;195:67; 196:7; 198:42LO,58; 199:59; 200:1; 201:58

Garden of Joy Blues 5:38; 7dir; 7:53; 12dir

Garden l’Vegan 120:20

Gardenspirit 106:80; 112:9

The Gathering 114:64; 120:10

Genesee Gardens Cohousing 200:64

Geneva Cohousing 80:15-16

Gentle World 83dir; 91:67; 120:20

Geocommons Village 83dir

Gesundheit 52:46; 93:72; 101:20; 102:34+; 103:9;149:42; 164:36; 172:14

Gita-nagari Community 66:50

Glacier Circle 132:61

Glen Ivy 56:65; 66:50

Glen Maples 41:56

Glenora Farm Camphill, BC 189:16

Glenridge Co-op 87dir

Global Community Communications Alliance 135:67; 136:65; 137:68; 138:64; 139:27,70; 140:66; 141:66; 142:64; 143:66; 144:36; 144:72; 145:47,62; 146:4,63; 147:4,69; 149:34; 149:68; 150:71; 151:71; 152:67; 153:69; 154:58,69; 155:68; 156:69; 169:54,81; 188:61; 190:26

Global Ecovillage Network 160:52; 171:13; 180:14; 186:6

Global Order (see also Institute of Cultural Affairs) 85:15

Global Village/School of the Americas 120:21; 125:61

Godsland/Gates of Heaven 38:168; 56:65

Golden Bough Farm 1dir; 32:52

Good Earth Communes 1dir; 7dir

Good Earth Homestead 1dir; 3:50; 7dir; 12dir

Goodenough (see also Ecovillage at Sahale) 80:28; 83:38; 116:14; 121:40; 126:44; 138:34; 141:32; 144:20; 180:27; 182:27; 189:41,43

Good Heart Sanctuary 165:54

Good Karma Farm 42:50

Goodlife/Harrad West 30:47; 38:169; 46:39; 56:66; 66dir

Good Red Road 83dir

Goodrich Farm Cooperative 83dir; 84reach; 120:21

Good Samaritan Community 93:72; 100:16

Good Times Commune 25:49; 30:37; 46:39

Good Times Graphix 17:59

Gorg Family 12dir

Gorilla Choir House 79dir; 93:12

Goose Pond Community 164:70

Gould Farm 30:37; 46:39; 56:85; 150:46

Grail Center 128:64

Grandma’s Place 91:67; 97:74

Graniteville 7dir; 8:48; 12dir

Granny’s Health Garden 117:67; 120:10

Grasmere 31:58; 38:169; 46:39; 56:66

Grateful Union 12dir; 13:49

Great Oak Cohousing 137:71; 138:69

Greenbriar Community 26:43; 79dir; 114:43; 146:73

Green Door Farm 138:68

Greenfield Ranch 84:36; 84:52; 84:58

Green Gulch Zen Center 132:29

Greenhaven 99:73

Greenhouse 5:39; 7dir; 118:9

Green Houses 132:67; 149:54

Greening Life 66:50

Green Oaks Community 83dir; 92:67

Green Pastures Estate (see also Emissaries) 66:50; 91:72

Green Progressive Living Action Network 85:70

GreenRise Intentional Community 189:41,42

Green Tower community 1dir

Green Valley School 1dir

Green Valley Village 152:40; 158:30; 174:46

Greenwood Forest 90:70; 114:73; 118:68; 135:70; 136:68; 137:72; 138:69

Grey Gables 8:34; 9:53; 10:55

Guild (Felton) (see Felton Guild)

Hale Byodo Corazon 93:12; 95:65

Halton Community (Canada) 164:16

Hamsa 9:52; 12dir

Hanover Ecovillage 133:12

Harbin 6:52; 7dir; 9:58; 11:58; 15:35; 18dir; 24:50; 25:46; 30:37; 46:39; 56:66; 66dir; 71:77; 167:68; 168:68; 169:68,73; 170:66; 171:67; 172:53

Harbour Cohousing (BC) 164:46; 166:29

Harmonic Edge Community 83dir

Harmonists 68:20; 71:14; 186:19

Harmony (San Bernardino) 1dir

Harmony Heart 84:56

Harmony Homestead 169:62

Harmony Ranch 1dir

Harmony Village Cohousing 80:15

Harrad 1dir; 4:50; 7dir; 12dir

Harrad West 1dir; 12dir (see also Goodlife)

Harrison Street (New Haven) 41:13+

Hart’s Mill Ecovillage 173:52,58; 178:31; 181:41; 184:53,66; 185:66; 186:62; 187:62

Harvest Hills 79dir

Harwood House 7dir; 12dir

Haven 103:67

Havurat Shalom 8:44; 12dir

Hawkwind Earth Renewal Cooperative 79dir

Haystack Heights Cohousing 184:66

Headlands 120:21

Headwaters Garden and Learning Center 156:74

Healing Grace Sanctuary 83dir

Healing Waters 39:27

3HO 1dir; 7dir; 14:35; 31:53; 38:170; 46:40; 56:67; 66dir (@T)

Heart and Spoon Community 146:26,167:12

Heart-Culture Farm Community 158:18; 174:25; 178:40,43; 186:8,76; 191:26; 192:8; 193:22; 198:7,29; 201:32

Hearth (see also L’Arche) 85:66

Hearthaven 146:51; 191:63; 199:63

Hearthome Northwest 101:69

Heartland 43:25

Heart-on Farm 142:39

Heartsong 120:21

Heartwood 66:51; 87dir

Heartwood Cohousing 134:67; 137:69; 138:65; 140:66; 141:66; 142:64,67; 143:66; 144:72; 145:62; 161:50; 164:58,69; 165:69; 167:39,72; 171:66; 172:68; 173:65; 174:65; 175:69; 176:65; 177:67; 178:67; 179:66; 199:56

Heartwood Farms (at Heartwood Cohousing) 163:29; 185:20; 189:40,44,46,51; 191:11

Heartwood Ranch 183:71

Heathcote 1dir; 2:55; 7dir; 18:58; 24:51; 24:60; 30:38; 38:169; 44:53; 46:40; 54:62; 56:66; 61:53; 66dir; 120:21; 126:71; 135:23; 143:67; 162:66; 163:66; 164:66; 165:66; 166:64; 167:68; 168:68; 169:68,76; 170:66; 171:67; 176:50

Hei Wa House 79dir; 96:48; 101:9; 126:69; 177:38; 184:46

Hellarity 168:56

Hermit Community 135:69

Hermitage (Mahantongo, Christiansbrunn) 154:36; 169:56; 186:21; 190:24; 198:18

Hickory Ridge Land Trust 158:16; 161:24

Hidden Springs (Ga) 7dir; 12dir

Hidden Springs (NH) 1dir; 7dir; 12dir; 12:39; 14:51; 24:51

Hidden Valley Downeast Community 30:38; 46:59; 56:66

High Desert Home 185:66

Highland Community 1dir

Highway Missionary Society 92:56

High Wind 66:52; 67:25; 87:32; 97:17; 99:9; 115:65; 120:29; 132:36; 145:55; 149:62; 169:10,20,25,34

Hill Farm 37:5

Hillegas House 93:12

Hillhouse Foundation for Centering 1dir

Hilltop Community 83dir

Himalayan Institute 79dir; 120:11

Hippocrates Health Institute 1dir

Hitchcock Hill 13:62

Hoedads 10:63; 38:33

Hog Farm 110:36

Hohm 46:40; 56:67; 66dir

Holden Village 118:10

Holistic Community 53:21

Holts Field, Wales 175:34

Holy City (Louisiana) 66:52

Holy Protection Gnostic Christian Monastery 97grape

Homer L. Morris Fund 7dir

Homestead at Denison University 101:69; 159:54

Homestead Community 91:68

Honolulu Intentional Ohana Project 147:70; 153:71; 156:70

Hooker House 36:58; 56:67; 66:53

Hop Brook 7dir; 18dir; 24:51

House of Commons Co-op (Austin) 122:49; 125:30; 125:34

House of Elijah 92:48

House of Lavendar 46:40; 56:67; 84:8; 92:67

House of Love and Prayer 1dir; 7dir; 13:35

House of Sky 108:72

Howard Avenue House (New Haven) 41:18+

Hudson Valley Ecovillage 124:61

Huehuecoyotl Ecovillage, Mexico 147:38; 173:60; 185:12; 189:40

Human Dancing Company 12dir; 17:3; 24:51; 25:46

Human Potential Foundation 79dir

Hummingbird Ranch 113:33; 117:67; 120:11; 133:10; 157:78

Hundredfold Farm Cohousing 165:66; 166:64; 168:68; 174:64; 175:66; 176:64; 177:66; 178:66; 179:68; 180:68; 181:70; 182:66; 184:67; 185:66

Hunger Farm 1dir

Hunters Lodge 7dir; 7:41; 8:33; 8:42

Hutterites 13:51; 39:7; 82:36; 86:12; 90:24; 92:8; 104:40

Hygieia Homesteads 143:67; 145:62

IAMU Community Farm 1dir; 7dir

Icarians 68:43

IDA (Radical Faerie, Tenn) 87:46

Ilarne 7dir; 12dir

Illinois Street House 144:33; 154:52

Imago 80dir; 148:16

Imani Farm 156:17; 190:14

Indian Camp 7dir

Infinite StarLight Offering Visionary Ecovillages 120:21

Ingenium 180:69; 182:67; 183:74

Ingleside 7dir

Inner Life Fellowship Community 12dir

Innisfree 7dir; 46:41; 56:68; 66:82; 135:72; 147:65; 161:54; 172:12; 173:64; 174:64; 177:68; 178:69; 179:71; 180:70; 182:71; 183:71; 184:72; 185:26,72

Inspiration Sanctuary 146:4

Institute Mountain West 7dir; 12 dir

Institute of Cultural Affairs 79dir; 84:58

Institute of Human Abilities (see also Morehouse) 1dir; 7dir

Institute of Mentalphysics 66:53

Integral Yoga Institute 1dir; 12dir

Intentional Community Houston 114:64; 120:12; 124:61

Intercommunities of Va 7:24; 18:30; 18:48; 79dir

Inter-Cooperative Council (Ann Arbor) 79dir; 83dir; 125:46

Inter-Cooperative Council (Austin)

International Center for Self-analysis 1dir; 7dir

International Communal Studies Assn 160:56

International Co-op 83dir

International Ideal City 1dir

International Puppydogs Movement 120:21

Intersection House 120:29

Ionia 179:22

Iris Mountain 2:53; 7dir; 8:47; 9:7; 12dir; 18dir; 24:52; 28:47

Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center 164:50

Ishayas 123:64

ISKCON 1dir; 7dir; 13:52; 16:20; 88:39

Island 1dir; 7dir

Ithaca Project 1:50; 2:55; 5:41; 19:54

Ithilien 12dir

Itsodi (School of Living) 173:68

Jamaica Plain Cohousing 155:36; 199:33

J’Ananda 4:59; 7dir

Jesuit Volunteer Corps 120:12

Jesus Christians 170:66; 172:69; 173:65; 174:65; 175:50,69; 176:65; 177:67; 189:40

Jesus Name Lighthouse 1dir; 7dir

Jesus People USA 88:47; 90:42; 100:39; 131:48; 163:42; 189:31

Jewel Weed 17:52 ?

Jiun the Fellowship of the Path of Oneness 10:53

John T. Lyle Center for Regenerative Studies 118:9

Jolly Ranchers 97:78; 101:60; 101:69

Jonah House 12dir; 120:21

Journey Family 7dir; 8:23; 11:53

Journey Inn 138:52

Joy Lake Community 66:53

Joyful Path 157:78

Jubilee Partners 56:68; 65:20; 66dir; 90:64; 120:21; 131:79; 159:18,23; 161:12

Julian Woods 7dir; 8:48; 12dir; 12:40; 16:27; 18dir; 18:55; 20:46; 21:46; 24:52; 25:50; 30:39; 38:170; 46:41; 56:68; 66dir

Jupiter Hollow 80dir; 93:12; 97grape; 120:21

Justice Trust 153:71

Kahumana Farm and Community 66:54

Kailash Ecovillage 177:49; 179:13; 188:22

Kailash Kunj 80dir

Kailas Shugendo 7dir

Kalani Oceanside Eco-Resort 118:9; 168:0; 175:70; 176:66; 177:69; 178:70

Kaleidoscope Cooperative Homes 189:42

Kalikalos (Greece) 169:63

Kankanmori Cohousing (Japan) 195:61

Karaka Kasu (New Zealand) 181:57

Karen House Catholic Worker 178:47

Karma Dzong 1dir; 7dir; 18dir; 24:52

Karme-Choling 1dir (@ Tail); 18:56; 30:39; 46:41; 56:85; 83dir

Karum Collective 11:54; 12:5; 12:29; 18dir; 23:27; 24:53

Kashi Ashram 166:46

Katharsis 12dir; 14:57

Kaweah 34:4; 94:13

Kayavarohan 32:56; 34:57; 36:58

The Keep 166:58

Kerista 1dir (@Purple); 4;51; 8:47; 12dir (@Purple); 13:55; 14:26; 18dir (@Storefront); 21:51; 24:57; 25:48; 28:55; 30:39; 34:58; 36:17; 38:171; 41:43; 42:50; 46:41; 56:68; 60:63; 64:19; 66:60; 66dir (@Purple); 66:82 (@Storefront); 68:63 (@Friendship); 70:62 (ditto); 71:65; 71:75; 76:28; 80:31; 84:68; 97:52

Kettle Community 20:47

Kibbutz Lotan (Israel) 139:54; 143:40; 167:61; 171:20

Kibbuta Mishol (Israel) 188:51; 193:20; 197:8

Kibbutzim 150:62; 170:24; 177:62,63; 199:51; 201:44

Kimberton Hills Camphill 45:52; 135:21; 154:69; 160:64

Kindness House 109:20; 118:9

Kingdom of Oyotunji 84:66

KIRK 1dir

KIT 88:61

Kitzeh, Russia 171:20

Koinonia Farm 1dir; 4:50; 26:57; 28:47; 30:39; 38:171; 46:42; 56:69; 66dir; 92:33; 124:61; 131:51

Koinonia Md 1dir; 2:49; 7dir; 6:53; 30:39; 40:56; 46:41; 56:68; 184:46

Kokopelli Farm 165:30

Konohana Faily (=Village of Bodhisattvas; Japan) 172:20

Kripalu Yoga Ashram 10:64; 13:7; 18dir; 24:53; 30:39; 40:49; 46:42; 56:69; 66:54

Kriya Babaji Yoga Sangam 38:171; 46:42; 56:69

Kuwili Lani 184:10; 185:67

La’akea 134:40; 137:68; 138:65; 139:52,71; 140:66; 141:66; 145:26; 151:43; 153:46,48; 43;162:66; 164:66; 167:18; 180:25; 182:29

La Cafétéria (Montreal) 200:34; 201:18

La Cité Écologique 156:8; 164:54; 168:68; 172:75; 200:64

Laetare Partners 12dir

Lafayette Morehouse 150:30; 151:32

Lake Clair Community Land Trust 152:36; 170:58; 177:21

Lake Clair Cohousing 177:21

Lakeshore Wilderness Community 85:70

Lake Village 7dir; 12dir; 30:12; 66:55; 80dir; 98:52; 170:56; 175:4; 190:4; 191:4

Lamborn Valley Community 124:28

Lama 1dir; 30:40; 46:42; 53:19; 53:35; 56:85; 66dir; 96:17; 104:38; 118:11; 124:35; 131:23; 134:67;135:33; 161:52; 176:50; 179:13,14

Lampa Mountain 164:29; 174:48; 199:26

Landlovers 12dir

Land Stewardship Center 99:65

Landwell 182:22

La Querencia (see Fresno Cohousing)

La Selva (see Selva)

La Tierra (see Tierra)

Laurieston Hall 191:60

Lavender Hill 56:70

Lavra 180:47

Laytonville Ecovillage 144:72; 198:41

LDS communities 68:39; 82:53; 87:52

Leatherbark 2:49; 8:58

Leavitt Hill Farm 30:40

Leslie Community 12dir

Lewd Family 1dir

Libertee World 82:68

Liberty Cluster 66:56

Liberty Village Cohousing 144:72; 145:62; 188:7; 189:5; 192:39

Lichen 21:46; 22:49; 30:40; 38:172; 56:70; 112:11

L.I.F.E. (Va) 112:11

Life Center (Phila) 7dir; 8:52; 19:10; 25:8; 38:85; 56:8; 118:9

Life Song Commons 160:9

Lifestyle Associates 7dir

Light as Color Foundation 120:21

Light Center 135:69; 136:67; 137:70; 144:72

Lighthouse Ranch 13:48

Light Morning 84:66; 97:59; 104:32; 118:9

Light of Freedom 118:9; 120:21

LimeSaddle 1:32@alternatives; 1:46; 2:48; 6:53; 7:47; 11:55; 12dir; 12:36; 31:36

Lindesfarne 12dir

L.I.O.N. Community 1dir

Little Flower Catholic Worker 199:50

Little Portion Hermitage 122:25

Little River Tenancy in Common 166:64; 167:69; 168:69; 169:69,78; 170:67

Living Energy Farm 161:8; 163:17; 166:58; 179:28; 183:60; 187:12

Living Communion Assn 5:40; 7dir

Living Earth School 159:27

Living Energy Farm 150:17; 174:12

Living Lightly Village 66:56

Living Love 17:56; 91:68 (@Caring Rapid)

Living Miracles Monastery 171:73

Living Roots Ecovillage 160:65; 161:1,68; 163:67

Living Routes program 147:34

Llano 68:55

Locust Grove Farm (later Nature’s Pace) 91:73; 102:72; 120:29

Lomax Riverfront Retreat Community 110:29

Lonaku 1dir; 7dir; 8:51

Longcliff Collective 24:53; 30:40; 38:172; 46:43

Los Angeles Ecovillage 84:16; 84reach; 90:34; 93:13; 94:10; 97:8; 101:8; 115:36; 118:9; 140:16; 141:16; 155:14; 156:20; 173:50; 176:40; 179:13; 185:13; 186:74; 187:67; 188:22,30,40,65; 189:67; 192:5; 193:16; 194:67; 196:62; 198:58; 200:64; 201:4

Lost Valley 96:8; 99:28; 100grape; 104:22; 118:8; 118:36; 123:50; 128:26; 131:24,79; 132:25; 136:63; 141:18; 143:4; 144:66; 149:27; 151:4,18; 153:20 154:4; 155:26; 159:10,25,50; 160:16,22; 164:32; 168:44; 173:52; 176:48; 180:24; 181:8,17,22,70; 182:32,66; 183:66; 184:67; 186:62; 187:47,61,62; 188:64; 189:ii,8,26,64; 192:0,69; 193:69; 194:7,29,36,48; 195:0,34; 196:36,47,65; 197:10,65; 198:65; 199:11; 200:48,65; 201:57

Lothlorien 83dir; 118:9

Lothlorien (Berkeley) 110:41; 151:36; 199:10

Lothlorien (Madison) 110:33; 199:12

Lothlorien (Ontario) 182:42

Lothlorien Farm 120:21

Love Israel (Israel Family) 46:43; 56:70; 85:52; ??:43; 107:30; 146:24; 147:45; 149:42; 154:60; 155:28; 160:40; 186:16,17; 199:47

Loving Earth Sanctuary 165:38

Loving Grace Community 135:69

Lukas 173:68; 175:70; 176:66; 177:69; 178:69; 179:71; 180:70; 182:71; 183:71; 184:72

Lutheran Volunteer Corps 177:15

Lydia’s House Catholic Worker 189:24

Lyman Family (see also Fort Hill)

Lytheria 144:33

Maccabee Farm 7dir; 7:41

McGregor House 196:34

Madhave Family 12dir

Madison Community Coop 7dir; 19:48; 19:52; 30:41; 83dir; 104:9

Magdalen Farm/RFD 30:43

Maggie’s Farm 49:64

Magic 116:55; 131:49; 172:30; 185:16; 191:50; 194:34; 196:20

Magic Animal Farm 7dir; 8:45; 13:55; 46:43; 56:70

Magic Land 1dir

Magic Tortoise 80dir; 93:5

Mahantongo Spirit Garden (see also Christiansbrunn; Hermitage) 95:35; 122:55; 154:36

Main Street Gathering 7dir; 12dir

La Maison des RebElles (Quebec) 186:60

Maitreya Ecovillage 129:36; 137:56; 146:16; 158:21; 168:17,46; 177:47; 181:23

Maitreya Mountain Village 167:26,28; 170:33; 171:54; 175:53; 176:64; 179:55; 180:52; 184:76; 186:45

Maleny Eco Village (Austrlia) 190:13

Malu ‘Aina 97:74; 111:37; 120:22

Maniac Valley (France) 195:22

Manitou Arbor Ecovillage 116:66; 117:30; 120:12; 159:65; 160:64; 161:68; 261:67

Mann Ranch 1dir

Maple Creek (pseud) 185:40; 186:18

Maple Hill 12:55

Maple Tree Farm 1dir; 7dir

Maplewood Farms (pseud.) 132:27

Marathon Co-op 87dir

Marden Farm 89:11

Mariposa Group 120:22

Mariposa Grove 117:9; 158:38; 173:53

Mariposa School 61:44; 62:52; 66:56; 66reach; 68:61; 75reach

Masala Co-op 120:22

Matagiri 12dir; 18dir; 24:53; 38:172; 46:43; 56:70

Maui Zendo 1dir; 7dir

Maupas Mansion 27:35

Maxwelton Creek Cohousing 147:18

Maxwood Institute 118:9

Maya Commune 1dir

Ma Yoga Shakti International Mission 120:21

May Valley 1dir; 6:14; 7dir; 18dir;16:42; 24:53; 30:41; 84:58

Meadowdance 115:11; 116:32; 120:22

Meadowlark 53:19

Meadowsong Ecovillage 154:4; 159:25; 168:44

Meadowsong/Lost Valley 189:26,29

Medicine Wheel Community 49:60

The Meeting 1dir

Meeting School 1dir; 7dir

Melbourne Village 1dir; 7dir

Mele Nahiku 120:12; 137:70

Mendocino Farm and Folk School 5:41; 7dir

Merion 2:46; 40:55

Messiah’s World Crusade (One World?) 1dir; 7dir; 12dir

Methow Center of Enlightenment 79dir

Mettanokit 46:44; 56:71; 66:56; 73:7; 76:52

Miccosukee 18dir;18:47; 19:72; 24:61; 35:47; 42:24; 80:46; 86:10; 88dir; 98:8; 118:9; 159:68; 173:50

The Midden 162:12,14; 168:60

Middle Road Community (BC) 147:70

Mid-Mountain 11:2

Mimbres 177:74

Mizpah Community 64:61

Moana Ula 199:13

Molino Creek Farming Collective 100:68

Molly Hare Cooperative 90:67

Monacan Ridge (see also Deer Rock) 82:68; 83dir; 84reach; 91:68

Monan’s Rill 89:42

Monasticism 146:80; 154:32; 169:48

Mondragon 175:44

Moniteau Farm 46:50 (@ Spiral); 56:75 (@ Spiral); 66:57; 71:75

Monkton Wyld Court 120:23

Montebello Community 93:67

Monterey Cohousing, Minnesota 195:61; 199:33

Moonshadow 83dir; 89:11; 122:25; 131:78

Moon Valley 148:62

Morehouse (see also Institute of Human Abilities) 146:35; 150:30; 151:32

Morningland 177:68; 178:69; 179:71; 180:70; 182:71; 183:71; 184:72; 185:71; 186:68,64; 188:64; 189:64; 190:58; 191:63; 192:58; 193:64; 196:25; 197:59; 198:62; 199:57

Morninglory Farm (Canada) 185:22

Morningside 12dir; 16:50

Morning Star 1dir; 6:10; 92:15; 140:54; 174:46

Morning Star (NYC) 14:56

Morning Star Community 120:23

Morningstar Family 12dir

Mosaic Commons 189:48,51

Moss Milk Collective 173:26

Mother Earth Church of Opihihale 66:57; 103:67

The Mothership 146:53; 180:26

The Mount Cohousing 190:57

Mountain Gardens Community 117:67; 120:12

Mountain Grove 12dir; 12:56; 14:56; 38:173; 46:44; 56:71; 75reach

Mountain Home 120:23

Mountain Laurel Cohousing 181:40

Mountain View Cohousing 189:42

Mount Madonna Center 66dir; 76:32; 159:52

Mountain Meadows Cohousing 181:69; 182:75; 184:72; 185:72; 186:72; 187:66

Movement for a New Society 7dir and other articles; 18dir; 24:54; 24:61; 27:4++; 28:48; 33:15; 34:61; 46:44; 48:36; 49:19+; 56:71

MSU Student Coop 189:41

Mu Farm 1dir

Muir Commons Cohousing 108:16; 189:42

Mulberry Family 7dir; 12dir; 23:33; 24:54; 30:41; 38:173; 46:44; 56:71; 66:57

Mulberry Farm-School 1dir; 7dir

Mullein Hill (see also Entropy Acres) 12dir; 12:55

Nachbarschaftlich Wohnen in Dormagen (Germany) 188:51

Nahziryah Monastic Community 96:64

Nakamura Co-op 120:29

Namaste 12dir; 38:173; 46:44; 84reach

Namaste Green 91:74; 115:64; 118:9; 120:23

Nanjemoy Community 134:69; 136:67; 137:70

Narara Ecovillage, Australis 151:58

Nasalam 18:55; 30:41; 88dir; 91:74

NASCO (see North American Students of Cooperation)

National Assn of Housing Cooperatives 129:6

Naturalism 1dir; 7dir

Nature’s Pace Sanctuary (formerly Locust Grove; see that also) 123:65

Nature’s Spirit Community 105:14; 107:28; 114:32

Neary Lagoon Co-op 87dir

Ness 112:11; 120:23; 122:73; 130:56; 131:73; 132:82,84; 133:71; 134:69; 135:71; 136:69; 137:72; 138:69; 139:76; 140:70; 141:68

The Nest 198:3

Netherlands 145:50

Nethers 1dir; 1:46; 2:50; 5:42; 7:8; 7dir; 8:34; 8:46; 12:57; 15:19; 16:48; 18dir; 24:54; 24:61

Network for a New Culture Camps 142:34; 179:0(inside cover); 180:25; 183:28,30,32; 197:26

Nevada City Cohousing 166:23; 187:44; 189:49; 190:79

New Beginnings Community 21:27; 24:54; 25:46

New Brighton Cohousing 189:47,50

New Buffalo 40:45; 137:71; 138:68; 140:67; 145:65; 146:63; 147:69; 152:39; 165:74; 174:46

New Camaldoli Hermitage 181:25

New City Project 1dir

New Communities, Inc. 182:6,15

New Community (Tennessee) 83dir

New Community I 20:8

New Community Projects 1dir; 1:49; 7:42; 14:15

New Community School 1dir

New Covenant 91:15

New Creation Fellowship 12dir

New Culture East Community 192:18

New Earth 1dir

New Earth Song 160:9

New England CNVA Farm 1dir

New Family Experiment 80dir; 88dir@Spectra

New Hamburger 7dir; 12dir

New Harmony 71:14; 149:32; 176:39 178:63

New Hope 68:62

New Hrsikesa Foundation 56:72

New Jah-Rulsalem Israel Zion Coptic Church 83dir

New Jewish Communities 169:”52

New Jewish Communities (internet forum) 164:51

New Lanark 178:63

New Life Community 90:42

New Life Cooperative 1dir

New Mexico communes 97:32

New South Lifestyles 56:72

Newt Crossing Cohousing 195:65,67

New View Cohousing 154:54

New Vistas 174:35; 175:4

New Vrindaban 1dir; 18dir; 24:54; 30:40; 46:45; 56:72; 66:58

NextGEN 160:52

Niche 80dir

Neiderkaufungen 159:58

Ninth Street Co-op 87dir; 93:12; 118:9

Noah’s Ark 2 126:70

No Name Group 120:24

North American Students of Cooperation (NASCO) 24:61; 44:52; 46:61; 55:58; 56:86; 71:8; 110:32; 189:42

North Carolina Biodome 80dir

North Cottonwood Ecovillage 90:67

North Mountain 2:46; 3:48; 5:43; 6:54; 7dir; 12dir; 8:35; 10:56; 21:49; 24:54; 28:56; 30:42; 32:14; 38:173; 46:45; 56:72; 66:58; 80dir

Northampton Association 180:48

Northwest Intentional Communities Association 128:58

N Street Cohousing 110:54; 177:54; 188:22; 199:9; 200:64

Nurturing Communities Network 180:46

Nyingma 130:72

Nyland Cohousing 80:14; 118:9

Oahspe Fellowship Center 135:69

Oak Creek Commons Cohousing 152:60; 190:80

Oak Grove Community 55:62; 57:53

Oak Grove Foundation (Va) 118:9

Oak Valley Herb Farm 18dir; 24:55

Oakland Ecovillage 133:12

Oakland Elizabeth House (Calif) 112:11

Oakleigh Meadow Cohousing 164:48,70; 165:70; 166:27,68; 167:72; 169:70; 184:73

Oakshade 104:44

Oakwood Farm (Emissary)

Obenaus Community, Austria 189:41

Oberlin Student Cooperative Association 85:66; 116:66; 120:12

Occidental Arts and Ecology Center (Sowing Circle) 97grape; 131:23; 131:54; 133:32; 165:10; 173:52

Ochiltree (Canada) 36:42

October Sky community 115:22; 116:66; 120:29

Odiyan 166:67; 169:72; 172:71

Ofek Shalom 96:38

Ohana Aloha 1dir; 6:59; 7dir; 7:46

Ohana Mauka 66:58

Ohmega Salvage 23:50; 31:59; 32:56; 34:25

Ojai Foundation 66:58

Olive Branch Community 116:66; 120:12

Olympia Ecovillage 145:63

Omega House 125:60

Oneida 71:16; 82:53; 87:52; 95:43; 176:22,39

Oneida II 1dir; 7dir

One Life Family 38:174; 46:45; 56:72

One Spirit Free Catholic Community 120:24

1000 Small Pharmablisters 85:66

One World Family 85:66

Ongoing Concerns 98:8

OPEN (see also ComNet) 5:61; 7dir

Open House 16:37; 22:48; 22:53; 24:55; 30:42; 31:52; 38:174; 46:45; 56:4; 56:73

Opportunity Village Eugene 162:58; 168:17

Orange House 7:43

Orange Twin Conservation Community 120:13

Orca Landing 120:24

Orcom/Orgone Committee 96:65

Order of Aaron 1dir; 7dir

Order of St. Michael 1dir; 7dir

Oregon Farm 4:51

Orinda (pseud) 122:43; 144:16; 148:38; 160:38; 196:13

Orphalese Foundation 1dir

Osho (see also Rajneesh)

Osho Ansu Meditation Center 79dir

Osho communities 180:49

Osterweil House 88dir

O.U.R. Ecovillage (BC) 120:24; 130:54; 137:39; 139:59; 147:16; 152:38; 158:42; 163:68; 168:21; 169:69; 170:59; 184:11,13

Our Home, Portland, Oregon 194:61

Owenites 82:59

OWL 28:49; 38:174; 46:45; 56:73; 66:59; 93:12

Ozark Regional Land Trust 18:25

Pacific Family Co-op 87dir

Pacific Gardens Cohousing, BC 161:68; 163:67; 164:67; 189:41,42; 195:48

Pacifica Cohousing 178:31

Packer Corners 194:25

Padanaram 56:65 (@God’s Valley); 66dir (ditto)

Padma Jong 7dir

Pahana 1:56; 5:42; 6:55; 7:9; 10:59

Pahania 1dir

Pangaia community 111:35; 120:24

Pahana Town Forum 7dir

Papaya 2:26

Parable of the Sower Intentional Community Cooperative 182:26

Parados Community 56:73

Parker Street Co-op 85:66; 133:4

Parnassus Rising 83dir

PASS, Inc. 7dir

Passage Farm 7dir

Pathwork Phoenicia (see Phoenicia Pathwork Center)

Peace Action Farm 1dir

Peace and Permaculture Center 165:14

Peace Bread and Land Band 1dir; 1:46

Peace Farm 93:12; 120:25

Peaceful Garden 86:72; 89:69; 92:67; 98:63

Penington Friends House 80dir; 122:60; 189:41

Peninsula Park Commons 179:13

People House 86:40

People of the Living God 1dir; 7dir

People’s Farm 1:48; 7dir;

Peoples Temple 1dir; 7dir

Permaculture Synergies 153:65; 154:69

Perserverance Furthers 7:43

Phanto Bolo 93:67; 118:9; 120:25

Philacoho 123:64

Philadelphia Life Center (see index at Life Center)

Phoenicia Pathwork Center 66:59

Phoenix Community (Beverly Hills) 68:61; 68:62; 69:50; 70reach

Phoenix (Colorado) 123:65

Pickle Family Circus 45:5

Pine Terrace Nine 20:46; 30:42

Pinebrook 16:48

Pinnacle Cohsouing 166:45; 191:66

Pinon Ecovillage 114:71; 120:25

Pioneer Valley Cohousing 170:47; 173:58; 191:63; 192:47

Pleasant Hill Shakers 177:76

Pleiades 27:40

Plow Creek 8:44; 12dir; 66dir; 85:20; 90:66; 120:25

Plowshare 13:51; 27:37

Plum Creek School 20:47; 48:54

Poconos Ashram 3:56

Ponderosa Village 55:60; 56:79 (@Warm); 59:43; 62:52; 66:60; 66reach; 67:15; 68:61; 84reach; 85:70

Pope Valley 132:82; 133:70; 134:69; 135:69; 136:68; 137:71

Portland Group 1dir

Port Townsend Ecovillage 124:61; 133:38; 148:22; 156:50; 168:42; 175:36; 178:69; 180:17

Positive College

Possibility Alliance (see also Still Waters Sanctuary) 140:26; 141:38; 147:14; 157:78; 161:42; 165:14,36,39; 172:41; 176:75; 178:69

Possum Place 133:70; 134:68

Post-American Community 8:60; 12dir

Potash Hill Community 91:75; 94:73; 102:73; 105:73

Potlatch 46:16; 46:19

Potluck Community 179:71

Prag House 83:38; 140:41

Pragtree Farm 99:36

Prairie Hill Cohousing 182:65,66; 184:66; 185:66

Prajna Family 7:36

Prema Dharmasala 12dir; 18dir; 19:77; 24:55

Progressive Community (NJ) 180:69

Project Artaud 7dir; 7:42; 18:4

Project One 12dir

Providence Zen Center 18dir; 24:55; 25:48; 30:42; 66:60; 124:44

Pumpkin Hollow Farm 83dir; 120:25

Pumpkin Hollow Community 98:9

Purple Rose (see also Stardance) 83:38; 120:32

Quaker Action Community Central Appalachia (QUACCA) 55:62

Quaker House 79dir; 87:68; 98:62

Quaker Intentional Village-Canaan 151:68; 152:63; 166:61; 167:70

Quakerland Friends Community 101:9; 109:5

Quarry Hill 79dir; 93:12

Quayside Village (Canada) 176:55; 195:61

Queens Chapel Road 18:49

Questers 1dir

Quiet village 1dir

Qumbya Co-op 80dir; 112:11

Quimper Village Cohousing (forming 2016) 170:55; 190:81

Rabbity Hill Farm 57:54

Rachana Community 101:73

Rainbow (Movement for a New Society) 27:4

Rainbow Family/Gathering 1dir; 18:46; 19:73; 23:16; 26:59; 34:46; 43:48; 45:32; 66:33; 97:63; 108:21; 7dir; 132:4; 142:32; 189:19,66; 191:66; 195:49

Rainbow Farm 1:47

Rainbow Farm (Emissary) (formerly Oakwood Farm) 66:24; 66:60; 115:64; 120:25

Rainbow People’s Party 1dir; 7dir

Rainbow Ridge Ecovillage 94:71

Rainbow Valley Agricultural Cooperative 120:29

Rajneesh/Osho communities 151:25

Rajneeshpuram 71:49

Raj-Yoga Math and Retreat 30:47; 38:175; 46:46; 56:87; 66:60

Ralston Creek Cohousing 180:69; 181:71; 182:69; 183:69; 184:68; 185:68; 186:64; 188:64; 189:64; 192:60; 195:64

Rancho Ecotopia 171:66; 173:64; 174:64

Rancho La Salud Village Cohousing (Mexico) 181:70; 185:68; 186:64; 187:63; 188:64; 189:64

Rancho Linda Vista 151:20

Rancho Salud Cohousing (Mexico) 176:64; 177:66; 180:68

Rapha Community 83dir

Raphael Village 180:56

RareBirds Housing Coop (BC) 164:40; 171:66; 172:50

Rattlesnake Gulch 7:43

Raven Rocks 131:80; 168:53

Ravens’ Roost Cohousing 176:57; 182:65,66; 184:66; 185:66,72

Ravenwood Collective 144:72

Reba Place 1dir; 24:55; 53:42; 94:14

Red Earth Farms 131:53; 135:29; 137:29; 142:25; 143:67; 151:40;152:16; 153:30; 154:80; 156:26; 158:22; 160:14,24; 170:30; 191:40

Red Mountain Lodge 84reach

Red Road Farm 95:65

Red Rockers 7dir;

Redwood 87:70; 95:73; 105:73

Refugia de Rio Grande 89:11

ReGen Village (Europe) 174:54

Regenerative Co-op of Pomona 125:61; 144:66

Rejennerationn House 120:29

Religious Society of Families 38:174; 46:46; 56:88

Remar 80dir

Remote Hamlet 115:9

Renaissance 18dir; 24:55; 25:47; 30:43; 38:175; 41:30; 53:19; 53:37; 56:73; 66:61; 184:41; 186:12; 190:20; 193:34; 197:14

Resource One 3:49

Resurrection City 1dir

Retirement communities 89:17; 89:36+

Revolutionary Tomato 79dir

Rewilding Community 125:60

RFD Collective 30:43

Rhine Center Village 169:35

Rhizome Collective 132:30; 172:5

Richmone Vale Academy (St. Vincent & Grenadines) 181:50

Ridgewood Ranch 174:30

Rimfire Ranch 118:63; 120:14

Rise and Root Farm 182:13

Rivendell 118:10

River Community Homes 87dir

River Farm 120:25; 131:80

River Grove Sanctuary 107:70

Riverside (Wisc) 97grape

Riverside Retirement Village (Belize) 192:59,60; 195:64,67

Riversong Cohousing 193:0; 194:65

Roandoak of God 10:54; 12dir

Rochdale Coop 7dir

Rochdale Movement 191:54

Rochester Ashram 12dir

Rocinante 89:62; 112:54

Rockbottom Farm 1dir; 7dir

Rock River 126:70

Rock Steady Farm 180:6

Rocky Corner Cohousing (forming 2016) 170:45; 173:47; 173:61; 175:66; 179:70; 180:68; 181:70; 182:69; 184:68; 185:67

Rocky Hill Cohousing 178:26; 189:3,48,49,51

Rocky Mountain Dharma Center 83dir

Rogers 1dir

Rolling Meadows Farm Spirit Community 107:72

Rosy Branch Farm 79dir; 106:83

Round Mountain 38:175; 43:25; 43:26; 43:56; 46:46; 48:54; 52:55; 56:74

Rowe Camp and Conference Center 46:63; 84:8; 118:10

R-Studios Artist Co-op 120:14

RSVP 43:56

Rudolf Steiner Fellowship 93:12

Rugby 71:12

Ruggles House 89:60

Ruhani Satsang 1dir; 7dir

Running Water Farm 47:53

Rural Community, USA 133:70

Russell Commune 1dir

Rusty’s Retreat 95:71

Rutledge, Mo., communities 159:78,80

Sabin Green 139:41

Sacred Earth Farm 198:34

Sacred Mountain Ranch 115:65; 120:25

Sacred Oak Community 120:29

Saddle Ridge Farm 4:5; 194:10,16

Sadhana Foundation 1dir

St. Benedict’s Farm 92:42; 93:12

St. Francis Acres 1dir; 7dir;

St. Francis Community 93:12; 83dir

Saint Herman of Alaska Monastery 80dir

St. John’s Order 85dir

Saint’s Christian Retreat 99:64

Salamander Springs 120:29

Salem Communal Brotherhood 4:37; 7dir; 12dir

Salem NC 71:13

Salmonberry Community Land Trust (Finney Farm) 94:64

Sanatana Dharma 38:175; 46:47

Sand River Cohousing 170:20

Sandhill Farm 38:175; 46:47; 56:74; 66dir; 70:52; 73:8; 73:14; 73:25; 83:9; 83:35; 85:15; 94:37; 98:55; 122:6; 126:12; 126:72; 129:18; 130:6; 130:68; 131:24,71,76; 132:79; 133:69,71; 134:67; 135:45,68; 136:6,66,69; 137:26,69; 138:65,70; 139:72,76; 140:6,66,70; 141:66; 142:40,64,67; 143:67; 144:72,74; 145:63,65; 146:7,63; 147:69,72; 153:6; 158:6; 159:46; 166:71; 167:24; 176:52; 191:52; 193:8,9,11,12,13; 195:44; 197:51

Sandy Bar Ranch 83dir; 97:79

San Mateo Cooperative Community 120:25

Santa Cruz Student Housing Cooperative 116:66; 120:14

Santa Fe Community School 66:62

Santa Fe Housing Trust 158:75

Santa Rosa Creek Commons 52:54; 138:65; 139:72; 140:66; 141:66; 142:65; 143:67; 144:72; 145:63; 146:63; 149:71; 150:73; 151:71; 152:69; 153:67; 154:71; 160:64; 161:68; 162:66; 163:66; 164:67; 165:68; 166:66; 167:70; 168:69; 169:69; 170:68; 171:68; 174:65; 175:69; 176:65; 177:67; 178:67

Sant Bani Ashram 7dir

Sapling 163:17; 166:58

Sassafras 12dir; 18:55; 30:43; 177:51

Sassafras Ridge Farm 56:74; 63:46; 66:62; 66reach; 120:25

Satchidananda Ashram 7dir

Savitria 1dir; 7dir; 13:11; 15:39

Scarborough Street House 168:26,29

School House 1dir; 7dir;

School of Living 30:4 179:4

Scuppernong Landings 1dir

S.E.A.D.S. of Truth 66:64; 67:41; 84reach

Seekers and Settlers 120:25

Sekem, Egype 171:19

La Selva 132:38 (?)

Senior Cohousing 145:54; 189:52

Seqouia Village Cohousing 158:75

Sevenoaks Pathwork Center 56:74; 62:56; 66:62

Seven Points Crossing 116:66; 120:14

Seven Springs Farm 22:36; 46:47; 56:74

Shakers 68:15; 71:10; 82:53; 87:52; 89:54; 106:69; 145:28; 181:28

Shalom (Greensboro) 10:55; 16:50; 18dir; 19:69; 24:56; 25:50; 30:43; 38:176; 46:47; 56:74; 66:63; 79dir

Shalom Mission communities 82:16

Shannon Farm (see also Alternative Community) 16:25; 18dir; 24:56; 30:43; 32:51; 38:176; 46:47; 62:52; 64:62; 66:63; 82:63; 83:33; 94:38; 120:25; 172:70; 173:68; 175:70; 177:69; 181:13,14

Sharing Gardens 191:28

Sharingwood 121:9; 173:49; 178:70; 200:59

Sharon Springs Zen Center 5:48; 8:60

Shasta Abbey 13:36

Shaw EcoVillage 124:9

Shenoa 83:33; 83:46; 98:41

Shepherdsfield 120:25

Shepherd’s Gate 112:11; 115:65; 120:29

Shepherd Village 189:43,45

Shiloh (Ark) 80dir

Shiloh (Ore) 84:44; 92:29; 92:51; 92:60; 93:4; 94:5

Shiloh (Wisconsin) 50:54

Shining Waters Retreat 83dir

Shivalila 118:43; 122:74; 124:15; 126:70; 127:74

Short Mountain Sanctuary 66:62; 87:47; 96:41; 118:10

Shree Gurudev Sidda Yoga Ashram 1dir; 7dir;

Sichlassenfallen 89:11

Sieben Linden 159:59; 160:55

SILC (Guelph, Ontario) 164:24

Silverlake Co-op 87dir

Silver River EarthVillage 107:30

Silver Sage Cohousing 132:66; 188:3,59

Simeon Center 118:9

Sirius 46:50; 53:25; 56:74; 66dir; 71:75-76; 74:10; 83:40; 85:45; 95:31; 101:27; 122:3; 124:40; 131:24; 133:4; 136:40,63,75; 143:22; 147:32; 153:50; 160:77,80; 181:25; 195:32

Sisters of Divine Providence 83dir

Sivananda Ashram Yoga Ranch Colony 120:26

Sivananda Yoga Camp and Retreat 3:56@Poconos Ashram; 7dir

611 Ecovillage 198:39

1604 Commune 177:18

Skunk Valley Community Farm 120:26

Skyhouse (Dancing Rabbit) 95:65

Skylands Heathen Community 118:63; 120:14

Sky Meadow Community 132:79

Sky Ranch 83dir

Sky View Acres 1dir; 7dir;

Sky Woods Cosynegal 58:63; 61:54; 66:64; 69:49; 104:8; 105:40; 107:47; 112:45; 118:10; 120:29

Social Palace 178:63

Society for Ascension Academy 113:60

Society for Human Development 46:50

Society of Families 1dir; 7dir

Sogorea Te Community Land Trust 182:21

Sojourners 159:16

Solar City 181:54

Solar Logos Foundation (the Builders) 99:65

Sol Space 144:40

Solheimer Ecovillage 201:39

Solidarity Collective 181:45; 182:26; 191.1:74,75

Solterra 120:26

Somerville Ecovillage, Australia 140:58; 144:46

Songaia 80dir; 84:58; 116:50; 120:26; 121:44; 127:40; 132:52; 137:52; 145:20; 146:5,73; 149:4; 149:55; 158:57; 160:9; 163:74; 173:40; 192:43; 195:26; 196:30; 199:27

Songaia Neighborhood 160:9

Song of the Morning 85:67; 160:35

Sonnewald Homestead 24:56; 46:50; 56:74; 66dir

Sophia Community 125:60; 126:21; 189:42,44

Source Collective 1 dir; 7dir

Source Family 149:43

Southeastern Michigan Eco-Community 120:29

Southern Rainbow 12dir; 18:31

Southwest Georgia Project 1dir; 7dir;

Southwest Intentional Communities Coalition 111:9

Southwest Sufi Community 89:66; 117:71; 118:9; 120:26

Sowing Circle 97grape; 131:54; 134:43; 167:36; 173:49

SPACE 199:17

Spadefoot 120:29

Sparrow Hawk Community 85:70; 87:19; 87:68; 112:55

Spectra (see New Family Experiment) 88dir

Sphere of Light 120:29

Spiral Garden 148:56

Spirit Journey 120:26

Spirit Song Community 138:69; 139:75; 140:68; 141:67; 174:64; 175:66; 176:64; 177:66; 178:66

Spiritual Life Institute 118:46

Spring Harbor Sanctuary 100:68

Spring Hill Community 44:52; 53:19; 66:64

Springtree 1dir; 2:50; 5:43; 7dir; 12dir; 18dir; 13:50; 14:11; 14:63; 22:52; 29:58; 30:44; 46:51; 56:75; 58:63; 59:43; 65:49; 66dir; 66reach; 99:10

Spiritsong 179:68; 180:68; 181:70

Squash Bug Farm 159:35

Sri Aurobindo Sadhana Peetham 118:9; 120:26

Sri Ram Ashram 1dir; 7dir;

Sri Ram Ashrama 4:52

Starcross Monastery 30:44; 38:176; 46:51; 56:76

Stardance (SF) (see also Purple Rose) 57:55; 66dir

Starseed 113:73; 120:26

Stelle 56:76; 63:9; 66:17; 66dir; 71:64; 76:34; 113:19

Steppingwoods 89:11

Stevens House Co-op 118:10

Stewarship Incorporated 120:15

Stillmeadow Farm 56:76

Still Water Sabbatical 83dir; 112:9; 120:29

Still Waters Sanctuary 161:42; 165:14

Still Wind 30:44

Stillpoint 33:53; 55:62; 66dir

Stonehaven 84:20

Stone Soup Cooperative 128:36

Stoney Mountain Farms 16:48; 18dir; 24:56

Strange Farm 123:15

Student Cooperative Organization, Inc. 84:67

Student Housing Coops 110passim; 125:30+

Suderbyn Ecovillage (Sweden) 191:8

Sugarbush Farm 65:49

Summerland Monastery 185:44

Sun at Midday 18dir; 24:57

Sunburst 38:176; 46:51; 56:58 (@Ancient Builders)

Sundance (Tennessee) 56:76; 66dir

Suneidesis Consociation 56:76; 66dir

Sunflower (MNS) 27:40

Sunflower Cohousing (France) 175:62

Sunflower Farm 28:55; 30:44; 36:58; 38:177; 44:55; 46:51; 49:61; 56:76; 66dir

Sunflower House 66:66; 80:39; 125:43

Sunflower Life Center 7dir; 12dir

Sun Meadows 120:29

Sunnier Palms 80dir

Sunnyside Collective, Columbia, Mo 98:63

Sunnyside Village Cohousing 190:33

Sunray 53:18

Sunrise Communal Farm Inc., Full to the Brim 12dir

Sunrise Community Land Trust 7dir; 12dir

Sunrise Farm (NY) 12dir; 26:63; 28:60; 33:52

Sunrise Ranch 67:12; 71:46; 74:41; 80dir; 94:49; 120:26; 151:19; 158:28 (see also Emissary); 160:34

Sunship Community 83dir

Sunshower Farm 7dir

Sunstar 84:56

SunToads Community 112:55

Sunward Cohousing 178:23

Superhero Alliance 157:78

Suruban Partners 7dir; 12dir

Susan B. Anthony Memorial Unrest Home 84reach; 87:68; 100:74@feminist; 120:26; 147:65

Sustain Life 120:15

Sustainable City (Dubai) 181:63

Svanholm (Denmark) 144:57

Swan’s Market Cohousing 173:62; 189:47; 199:31

Sweet Land Eco-Community 189:55

Sweetwater Community 18dir; 24:57; 120:26

Sydelle House 103:27f

Sylviron Cooperative 120:26

Synanon 1dir; 7dir; 30:45

Synergia Ranch 191:58

Synergy House 83dir

Syntony 80dir

Syracuse Cultural Workers 61:29

Takoma Village Cohousing 155:21; 158:40; 184:49; 189:41,44,45,46; 192:37; 199:31,33

Taliesen Community 84:67

Talking Rock (see Coweeta) 177:67; 178:67; 179:68; 180:68; 182:69,74; 183:67,73; 187:62,66; 193:64; 194:64; 196:25,60; 197:58,59

Talsalsen 1dir

Tamarack 163:80; 182:78; 189:63

Tamera (Portugal) 135:48; 140:22; 143:42; 145:35; 147:26; 153:32; 165:52; 173:31; 180:49; 183:50

Tanguy Homesteads 1dir; 46:51; 56:77; 66:83; 84:39 179:4

Tara 5:54; 7dir

Tara Tribe 118:63; 120:15

Tasman Village (Australia) 153:58

Tassajara (see Zen Mountain Center)

Teaching Drum 133:34; 164:52

Tecumseh Garden 24:57

Tekiah 85:70

Ten Stones Community 91:73; 97grape; 118:9

Teramanto 12:38; 18dir; 18:54; 24:57; 25:47; 38:177; 46:52; 50:53; 56:77; 66dir; 86:7

Teramo 120:29

Terra Firma (Canada) 177:60

Terra Nova 92:66; 96:68; 97:79

Terrarium 84:52

Terrasante 129:70; 131:73,75; 132:83,84; 133:70; 134:69; 135:70; 136:68; 137:71; 138:69; 139:76; 140:68; 141:67; 143:69; 144:72; 145:64; 147:70; 149:72; 197:18

Texas Lake 32:52

3B Bed and Breakfast 166:58

Three Springs 83dir; 99:74; 100:8; 146:64; 147:65; 149:68; 150:69; 151:71; 152:67; 153:67; 154:71; 155:67

ThriveHive 178:75

La Tierra 114:73

Tierra Madre 98:10

Tierra Nueva Cohousing 132:57

Tierra Urbana 193:16

Tierra Verde Fellowship 1dir; 7dir

Tierra Village 158:65; 159:65

Timeweave 90:67

Tiny houses 172:51; 175:37

Tivoli Housing Coop 170:38

Toad House 80dir

Tolstoy Farm 1dir; 7dir; 30:45; 38:177; 46:52; 56:77; 70reach;179:16

Tonantzin Land Institute 120:27

Touchstone Cohousing 193:65; 194:62; 195:64; 196:60

Toyosato (Japan) 132:42

Trails End Community 56:77; 66dir

Tree Frog Farm 194:22

The Tribe (Ariz) 118:9; 120:27

Tri-Communities (Missouri) 200:8,10

Trillium Creek 192:7

Trillium Farm 84:56; 97:79; 102:74; 108:36; 127:74; 128:66; 129:71; 133:69 134:67; 135:68; 142:65; 143:44,67; 150:67; 151:68; 167:71; 192:36; 193:51

Trillium Hollow Cohousing 180:40

True Farm Community 66:94

True North 139:76; 140:68; 141:67; 142:67; 143:69; 144:72

Trumbull Phalanx 180:47

Truth Consciousness Sacred Mountain Ashram 120:27

Tryon Life Community Farm 129:48; 137:44; 179:8

Tui Land Trust 120:27

Tupelo (Twin Oaks) 30:45; 38:177

Tupelo Ridge 25:50; 30:45; 38:177; 44:55; 46:52; 56:78

Turtle Bend Farm 123:64

Turtle Creek Farm 56:78

Turtledove Pond 120:27

Turtle Hill Sangha 118:63; 120:15

Turtles Island 115:65; 120:27

Twelve Tribes 88:34+

Twin Oaks 1dir; 1:24; 2:47; 3:34; 3:44; 3:47; 5:44; 7dir; 7:45; 9:10; 11:52; 12:57; 14:52; 15:40; 16:23; 16:49; 17:21; 18:6; 20:49; 21:17; 21:50; 24:58; 28:20; 30:46; 32:15; 33:2; 33:32; 33:52; 35:8; 35:48; 35:58; 38:160; 38:178; 39:42; 43:3; 45:44; 46:52; 47:11; 56:78; 59:33; 61:53; 63:14; 66dir; 70:53; 73:9; 73:16; 73:20; 73:24; 73:27; 73:32; 73:36; 73:42; 76:11; 82:8; 82:25; 82:48; 83:33; 84:54; 85:21; 85:41; 87:14; 88:28; 89:30; 90:30; 93:15 94:62; 97:9; 103:45+; 107:38+; 109:64; 111:14; 115:57; 119:44; 120:32; 126:8; 126:70; 130:68; 131:71; 133:18,69; 134:68; 135:15,68; 136:32,66; 137:69; 138:39,48,66; 139:73; 140:52,66,80; 141:66; 142:8,65; 143:16,67; 144:72; 145:64; 146:40,64; 147:69; 148:80; 149:71; 150:71; 151:71; 152:20,69; 153:69; 154:71; 155:67,68; 156:69; 158:32,77,80; 162:24,26,80; 164:52; 165:25; 166:12,13,15,58; 169:6; 175:7,18; 176:27,39;178:60; 179:15; 181:76; 185:28,35; 189:12; 192:34; 194:26; 195:4; 196:28; 197:50,51; 198:42; 199:11,49,56,63; 200:58; 201:18,62

Twin Pines 88dir

Two Chapel Street (New Haven) 41:13+

Two Rainbows 38:178; 46:52; 56:78

Two Sisters River Urban Farm (Guelph, Ontario) 164:21

U and I 8:53; 9:53; 10:58; 12dir; 14:57; 16:27; 21:29; 24:58; 30:46; 30:53; 38:178; 46:53; 56:78; 63:47

Ukiah Research Institute 80:35

U. Lab II 46:53

Unadilla Farm 53:64

Unahwi Ridge (NC) 112:66

Unified Family 1dir

Union Acres 104:73; 120:27; 135:68; 136:69; 137:72

United Cooperative Industries 1dir

Universal Residential Pure Communes 120:21 @ Infinite

University Cohousing 198:8

University of the Trees 66:67

University Students Cooperative Association 110:45; 118:10; 199:10

Urban Soil 193:16

Vajra Community 89:66

Vale 1dir; 4:2; 7dir; 30:46; 38:178; 46:53; 56:78; 66dir; 82:65; 178:62; 188:51

Valley Cooperative School 7dir; 18dir; 24:58; 57:53

Valley of Light 100:69; 123:65 (@VOL); 181:70,73; 182:69,70; 183:67,70; 184:10,67; 185:67; 186:62; 187:62; 188:64; 189:64; 190:58; 191:62; 192:58; 193:64

Valley of Peace 4:37; 7dir; 12dir

Valley View Senior Cohousing 191:68; 192:5; 194:66

Valverde Commons 166:64; 168:68; 169:68; 175:60; 188:8

Van Houten Fields 1dir

Varese Ligure (Italy) 135:10

Vashon Cohousing 118:9

Vedanta Society 7dir

Vedrica Forest Gardens 172:68; 174:65; 175:67

Velatropa, Argentina 171:62

Village (Ireland) 135:24

Village Cohousing 118:64

Village Hearth Cohousing 170:22,52; 180:68; 182:69; 184:67

Village of Arts and Ideas 6:48

Village of Bodhisattvas (=Konohana Family; Japan) 172:20; 175:54

Village of Harmony 98:63; 116:74; 118:9; 120:27; 136:69; 137:72; 138:70

Village of Oz 56:79; 66dir

Village One 7dir

Village on Sewanee Creek 139:76; 140:68

Village Terraces 116:73

Villages at Crest Mountain 169:69; 170:70

Villa Sarah 57:53

Villa Serena 38:179; 46:53

Vine and Fig Tree 93:12

Vision Foundation (Key Keyes) 83dir

Vistara 181:24

Vivekananda Monastery and Retreat 1dir; 7dir; 24:58; 25:46

Vivekananda Vedanta Society 89:11

Vocations for Social Change 1dir; 7dir; 11:59; 12:38; 30:51

Vocations for Social Change/East 12dir

Voice in the Desert 182:75

Vonu Life 1dir

Vrindavan Yoga Farm 7 dir; 12dir

Wade Ranch 124:61

Wahoo! 120:27

Wai Koa Intentional Community 163:56

Wailua University of Contemplative Arts 1dir

Waiua Ashram Kauai 114:64; 120:16

Walden II communities 103:27+

Walden Three 1dir; 7dir; 12dir

Walker Creek Community 161:26

Walnut House Cooperative (Calif) 112:11

Walnut Street Coop (Eugene) 113:74; 118:64; 119:11; 125:27; 128:14; 139:19; 120:16; 141:58; 172:46; 173:50

Warm Fellowship 56:79

Washington Village 155:1

Water Creek Cooperative Village 56:79; 66dir

Waterfarm 30:46 46:54; 47:53; 56:79

Watershed Center 180:6

Weed Mine Farm 8:51; 12dir

Welcome Home 1dir

We’Moon Healing Ground/Who Farm 80dir; 93:62; 111:8; 116:10; 118:10

Wesleyan Christian Community 92:39

Western Cultural Heritage Institute 123:64

Westlake Village Community 135:70

Westside Vegetarian Community 83dir; 115:65; 120:27

Westwood Cohousing 168:47

Wetumpka Farm 42:26

Wheeler’s 1dir; 4:47; 34:2; 140:54

White Buffalo 84:67

Whitehall 45:56; 56:80; 66dir

White Hawk Ecovillage 126:71; 127:75; 137:69; 146:18; 174:64; 175:66; 176:64

Whitehawk (Texas) 177:51

White House 80dir

White House, Yakima, Washington 84:43

White Lotus Study Center 14:57; 15:23;18:28; 24:63

White Oak Farm 126:71; 127:75; 128:66; 129:70,72; 131:74; 132:83; 133:71; 134:69

White Owl Lodge 121:38

White Rose Catholic Worker 165:14

Whitten Hill Farm Community 20:46; 30:46; 46:54

Whole Health Foundation 83dir; 120:27

Whole Life Housing 120:29

Whole Village (Canada) 139:73; 140:67; 164:18

Wild Roots 126:70

Wild Sage Cohousing 124:17; 132:66

Wildseed Community Farm and Healing Village 180:6

The Wilfred 79dir

Willka Hampi, Peru 189:40

Wimmin’s Rural Co-op 96:69

WingSong Cohousing 148:50

Windfall Farms 182:49

Wind Spirit Community (formerly Christmas Star) 92:67; 132:52; 133:70; 134:68; 160:48; 169:68,74; 170:66; 173:65; 174:66; 198:37LO

Windspirit 20:47; 38:179; 46:54; 56:80; 131:24; 171:66; 172:68

Windstar 69:38; 70:8

Windtree Ranch 95:65; 98:9; 102:11; 126:72

Windwalker Farm 120:27

Windward Foundation 79dir; 80:47; 172:24; 173:27; 175:31

Windward (Washington) 163:44; 165:47; 167:55; 176:22; 186:40,42

Winter Creek Community 106:82

Wisconsin Family 7dir;

Wiscoy Valley Community 7dir; 66:68; 87:28

Wise Acres Community Association 107:71; 118:64; 120:16

Wisteria 154:12

Wolf Creek Lodge Cohousing 146:60; 149:46; 162:66; 164:67; 165:67; 189:43,44; 190:81; 195:29; 198:62

Wolf Creek Sanctuary 93:12

Wolf Gulch Ranch/Farm 200:13

Wolf Lake Refuge 30:47; 38:179; 46:54

Wolfstone Ranch 180:7; 181:75

Woman’s Commonwealth 82:40

WomanShare 85:14; 95:71

A Woman’s Place 13:53

Woman’s World 80dir; 118:9

Womonworld (Woman’s World) 120:29

Woodbine Community 96:9; 101:10

Woodburn Hill Farm 22:50; 26:56; 27:53; 30:47; 38:179; 46:55; 56:80; 66dir

Wooden Shoe 1dir; 2:56; 7dir; 23:51; 30:47

Woodfolk House 118:64; 120:16; 150:17

Woolman Hill 12dir; 20:47; 30:47; 34:59

Word of Christ Community 15:15

Word of God 1dir; 7dir; 92:52

Work Crews, Farm and Wilderness 39:41

Wurruk’an 174:58

Wygelia 97:79; 98:69; 120:27

Xanadu 4:52; 7dir

Yahma Linden Gathering 56:80; 66dir

Yamhill County Co-op 134:67

Yarrow 7dir; 8:53

Yarrow Ecovillage (Canada) 152:80; 167:63; 171:41

Yasodhara Ashram (Canada) 10:56

Yellow House 1dir; 88dir

Yellow Plum Commons 120:17

Yellow Submarine 1dir

Yesss Community 112:11; 120:29

Yoga Shakti Missions 24:63; 25:52

Yoga Society of Rochester 66:69

Yogaville (see also Satchidananda Asharm) 1; 7; 18dir; 24:56; 120:27

Yronwode 1dir

Yulupa Cohousing 147:70

Zaccheus House 118:10

ZEGG 126:28; 130:15; 145:32; 146:12; 148:36; 154:64; 160:55; 161:36; 172:55; 173:26; 174:44; 183:49; 187:45; 197:20

Zen Bones Intentional Spirit 83dir

Zen Center of Los Angeles 16:51

Zen Community of New York 79dir

Zendik 76:51; 96:9; 104:9; 105:10; 120:28; 179:76; 183:24

Zen Mountain Center, Tassajara 1dir; 181:55

Zen Mountain Center, ZCLA

Zen Mountain Monastery 85:67

Zen Studies Society (see Dai Bosatsu Zendo)

Zephyr 112:11

Zephyr Valley Community Co-op 123:65; 143:69; 144:72; 145:64; 146:64; 147:70

Z Fellowship 84:27

Zialua Ecovillage 144:31

Zion’s Order 1dir; 4:49; 7dir; 80dir

Zirkle’s Branch 80dir

Zoar 68:27; 71:16

Zuni Mountain Sanctuary 95:29; 99:64