The Richness of Giving

Many traditional cultures around the world have an economy based not on buying and selling, but on giving, which fosters an intricate network of social connections.

All We Have Is All We Need

A group of North Americans establishes a community in Costa Rica and
learns new lessons about simplicity, wealth, change, growth, balance,
and happiness.

Best Meetings

Three group-process experts answer the question: “Please tell us a story of one of the best meetings you ever attended (as participant or facilitator). What was great about it? What do you think made it turn out so well?”

Abundance and Scarcity in the Goodenough Community

A community confronts economic adversity by remaining constant in relationship, holding financial losses in common, and working together in fundraising, educational programs, and new projects.

Free to Serve

While in similar circumstances to his neighbors from Clan Super Size, our author replaces a desperate sense of scarcity and need for low-cost goods with feelings of hope and abundance.